About me & contact - Dauris
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About me & contact

I am Dauri.

I am a spiritual teacher and master, mother and mother of crystals, certified educator and therapist.

I have always enjoyed accompanying people – supporting them to get in touch with themselves in such a way that they want to live themselves, can see and walk their path from within themselves and are ready to implement the changes necessary to do so.

Already as a child I was sensitive and energy-perceptive.

Then, however, it took a few years until I really understood how I function and could accept myself in my So-being.

The key experience for this was my participation in the seminar “The path into the light” with Agni Eickermann in 1994/95. And already when I held the flyer for it in my hands, I knew that I had come to earth exactly for this purpose: to remind people again that they are light and to support them in discovering themselves in it, in order to be able to live themselves completely. So it was quite natural for me to follow the further training path via the Spiritual Advisor and Teacher to the Master in the Agni tradition.

Already in the early 90’s I discovered my deep connection and love for crystals and stones. They led me to their knowledge and let me participate in their powers. So they have accompanied me all these years and quickly became beloved and valued tools in my seminars and individual work, where I also sell them.

Today I am just happy when people come closer to themselves in my individual sessions, when I am allowed to train them as crystal healers and guide them through the path into the light and the ACC.



Dauri Neumann

Email: info@dauris.com

Phone: +33.632.07.66.35